Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Most Beautiful Thing in the World

Trully our home should reflects all these three: Peace, Love, and Faith...

An artist, wanting to paint a beautiful picture, asked a pastor, “What is the most beautiful thing in the world?”
“FAITH,” answered the pastor. “You can feel it in every church, find it at every altar.”
The artist asked the young bride the same question. “LOVE,” she replied. “Love builds poverty into riches;
sweetens tears; makes much of little. Without it there is no beauty.”
A weary soldier said, “PEACE is the most beautiful thing in the world and war the most ugly. Wherever you
find peace, you find beauty.”
Faith, Love, Peace! How can I paint them? Thought the artist. Entering his door he saw Faith in the eyes of his children and Love in the eyes of his wife. And there in the home was the Peace that Love and Faith had built. So he painted the picture of the “Most Beautiful Thing in the World.” And when he had finished, he called it, “HOME.”



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